April 2023
Easter Concert - St John the Baptist church,
including music by
Parry, Finzi, Stanford, Sullivan, Gibbons, Tallis & Gesualdo
Listen below to some extracts from the concert
Easter Concert - St John the Baptist church,
including music by
Parry, Finzi, Stanford, Sullivan, Gibbons, Tallis & Gesualdo
Listen below to some extracts from the concert

May 2023
Dream of Gerontius - Gillingham Methodist church, Dorset

June 2023
Summer Concert - St Michael & All Angels, Lyndhurst
"Music for a Summer Evening"
Madrigals by Byrd, Morley, Weelkes and others
'Songs of Springtime' by Moeran
& partsongs by Elgar, Pearsall and Stanford

July 2023
Fauré Requiem and other Choral Classics
Romsey Abbey
A combined concert with the Abbey choirs featuring Fauré Requiem, along with
music by Rossini, Grieg, Stravinsky & Reger

October 2023
Visit to Rochester Cathedral
Responses: Shephard
Canticles: Sumsion in G, Watson in E &
Howells Collegium Regale - Te Deum & Jubilate
Anthems: Gibbons - Lift up your heads,
Bairstow - Lord I call upon thee &
Stanford - Justorum animae
Stravinsky Mass
Durufle - Notre pere

December 2023
Christmas Concert "I Knew a King was Born"